FEBRUARY 6-13, 2025
Examples of what you can do
- See a friend or family member practicing safe and responsible behind the wheel? Snap a pic at a safe opportunity, have some fun with a caption or photo edit, and post on your social media channels.
- Use one of the provided images or posts below as an inspiration to create your own message when sharing on your social media channels.
We understand you may want to take action shots or pictures of people you don’t know, but we advise against it. Whatever you do, make sure you and your subjects are safe and are amenable to being part of your post. Do not become a roadside hazard yourself!
Reminder to send us your pictures and posts to info@besafenc.org!
In the spring of 2025, every Teen ambassador will have the opportunity to apply for one of five $500 educational scholarship through an application process asking you to illustrate how you’ve helped support NCAST initiatives throughout the year.
Participation in this Valentine’s Day initiative can be part of that application process and could help you win one of five $500 scholarships!
The section below contains downloadable pictures with accompanying suggested posts that you can use. Here are relevant hashtags to use when posting to tap into conversations related to I ❤️ SAFE DRIVING!:
Sample Posts (use, edit or create your own)
The section below contains resources from a previous event that you can still use as inspiration when sharing on your social media channels.

NOVEMBER 17, 2024
Examples of what you can do
- Get with your friends to loan you shoes, one pair for each teen killed in a car crash in your county in 2023. (see chart below) Take a picture of the shoes, or a picture of you and your friends in a safe location (like your high school) and post on your social media channels.
- Use one of the provided pictures of shoes and one of the suggested posts below. Or use them as inspiration to create your own when sharing on your social media channels.
We understand you may want to take pictures of shoes by the roadside, but we advise against it. Whatever you do, make sure it’s safe. Do not become a roadside hazard yourself.
Reminder to send us your pictures and posts to info@besafenc.org!
In the spring of 2025, every Teen Ambassador will have the opportunity to apply for one of five $500 educational scholarship through an application process asking you to illustrate how you’ve helped support NCAST initiatives throughout the year.
These Day of Remembrance pictures and posts can be part of that application process and could help you win one of five $500 scholarships!
The section below contains downloadable pictures of shoes with accompanying suggested posts that you can use. Here are relevant hashtags to use when posting to tap into conversations related to World Day of Remembrance:
Sample Posts (or create your own)
- 11/17 is World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims. Shoes have become a symbol of the lives ripped away. These shoes help us remember the teens in our community lost in car crashes last year. Let’s remember them, and pledge in their memory to be safe, focused drivers when behind the wheel.
- 11/17 is World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims. Shoes have become a symbol of the lives lost. This picture of my friends and I helps us remember the teens in our community lost in car crashes last year. Let’s remember them, and pledge in their memory to be safe, focused drivers when behind the wheel.
For the «insert number from table for your county» teen lives lost to traffic crashes in «Your County» County last year, we REMEMBER, SUPPORT and ACT this World Day of Remembrance.
In memory of «name of friend or family member who was killed/injured». If safety was at the heart of our transportation system, they’d still be here today.
Every death is unacceptable. Every loss is an outrage. On World Day of Remembrance, I call on leaders to Remember, Support & ACT for change.
NC crash fatalities of those 19 and younger in 2023: 165
*Information compiled by the NC DMV Traffic Records Unit and Traffic Safety Unit from 2023 crash data received prior to May 8, 2024.
The sections below contain resources from a previous event that you can still use as inspiration when sharing on your social media channels.
These videos of NC Teens discussing driving safety issues are ready to drop into your favorite feed!

Static and animated graphics (without audio) suitable for most platforms. Use as-is or customize to make your voice unique!
Sample Posts (or create your own)
Hey, teens, speak up! If a fellow teen is driving unsafely, call them out. #TeenDriver
DYK: Marijuana, prescription drugs, and even some over-the-counter medications affect your ability to drive safely, just like alcohol. NHTSA.gov/teendriving. #TeenDriver
- There are good times to use your phone…and times when you definitely should not: Watching 📺? ✔️Listening to music 🎧? ✔️Eating pizza 🍕? ✔️Driving your car 🚗? ❌
- Drinking and driving don’t mix, especially if you’re under 21. Learn more about the dangers of impaired driving at NHTSA.gov/teendriving. #TeenDriver

Static and animated graphics (without audio) suitable for most platforms. Use as-is or customize to make your voice unique!
Sample Posts (or create your own)
I always leave my phone in my backpack in the backseat when driving. Don’t drive distracted. #MyRulesForTheRoad
Looking at my 📱 expert multi-tasker. I stay off my phone to keep others safe. #MyRulesForTheRoad.

Static and animated graphics (without audio) suitable for most platforms. Use as-is or customize to make your voice unique!
Sample Posts (or create your own)
Before setting up my favorite playlist, I always buckle my seat belt when I get in the car. My safety comes before my music—and yours should, too. #MyRulesForTheRoad
Seat belts aren’t sexy, but neither is death. Let’s start a new trend and always get buckled. #MyRulesForTheRoad

Static and animated graphics (without audio) suitable for most platforms. Use as-is or customize to make your voice unique!
Sample Posts (or create your own)
I love hanging out with all my friends, but too many in my car is a crowd. The fewer passengers, the more focused I am on the road. #MyRulesForTheRoad
While I’m getting the hang of driving, I won’t fill my car full of friends. Extra passengers can be a huge distraction. #MyRulesForTheRoad
- Click on the blue link of the resource you want to post.
- When prompted to download, click Download.
- On the left of your browser address bar, look for the blue circle with an arrow in it. Click the circle.
- Look under Downloads; your new download will appear there.
- Save your download to your phone, then post to your social media channels!
As a Teen Ambassador, you serve as a role model for other teens in your community. Teens listen to each other, so NCAST wants you to share these messages on social media and— with appropriate permission from school officials— post signage, organize events, and any other activities to educate teens on these safe-driving rules.
Examples of what you can do
- Post NCAST videos on your own social channels
- Post NHTSA graphic and suggested copy (or write your own) on your own social channels
- Get permission from school officials first, then print out static graphics above as mini-posters (or make your own) for school bulletin boards, put them on display at school sports events
- Take pictures and post them on your own social channels
Make sure to take pictures of yourself in front of posters or any other activity you do and send them to NCAST (info@besafenc.org). You could make the NCAST Teen Safe Driving Ambassador Hall of Fame and be featured in our monthly NCAST newsletter!
Be creative! These are only suggestions and examples. Make your own video, write your own social post, or create your own mini-poster!
Haven’t signed up to be a Teen Ambassador yet? Do it now and qualify to win a $500 scholarship!